fSpace Talks – Nano Solutions

fSpace Talks – Nano Solutions

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Petr Cervenka & Saulo Onze were the latest to present their business, Nano Solutions, to fSpace. Both Petr & Saulo have a passion for technology and innovation and they combine these passions as they solve business problems with web and mobile technology.

With a master’s degree in project management, Saulo also specializes in quality control. Petr, a former chef, now calls himself the ‘geek’ as he brings a background in systems administration and software engineering.

Nano Solutions focuses on developing customer relationships, communication and quality assurances as they create systems that solve problems for their clients. Services include cloud computing (moving systems to cloud platforms) and applications through software development. They also offer maintenance services on applications and systems.

As one would expect from a couple of tech gurus, they use a lot of cool software, including some of their own creation. All is used to improve efficiency and communication with the customer, such as their paperless system to approve and monitor projects. They also use detailed development and process software to help clarify and confirm expectations with customers. All these systems support their focus of ensuring the projects they work on result in a business value and return for their customers.

Nano Solutions is also strictly committed to quality control. In addition to software and peer review on new code development, they apply extensive testing throughout the development process. They even have bug-detection software that alerts of any problems.

A major project over the past 18 months is Beachsafe, a website (and soon to be app) that combines weather reports, tide & hazard information, and beach patrol schedules that enables people to make the best choice on which beach to visit. www.beachsafe.org.au

Always looking for new technology challenges, side projects include building a small satellite that will be launched into space and exploring virtual reality products.

Check out www.nanosolutions.io for more information. Thanks Petr & Saulo!

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Written By

Jason Normandale