Colin’s Winning Formula

Colin’s Winning Formula

FERMENT, WESTERN AUSTRALIA – May 16: fSpace Lunch Event, May 17 2016 (Photo by Sabine Albers )

Awesome work Colin Henley for writing a great piece about fSpace for Rate My Space:

My somewhat scattered working life of late has more than once prompted me to describe myself as having ‘sticky pie-fingers’. Dabbling in Sid’s architectural practice, moonlighting with Rate My Space and tutoring part-time in the School of Architecture at Curtin University certainly keeps things interesting. But the life of a so-called ‘contingent worker‘ as myself can be fraught with uncertainty and loneliness.

My port in the storm has been ‘fSpace’ – a co-working space in the Princess Chambers building in Freo. Here, entrepreneurs and folk, such as myself, who freelance for various businesses come together to work side-by-side but not ‘together’ as such (though cross-pollination definitely does occur). It’s been an interesting experience, to say the least. Personally I’ve found the social aspect at fSpace to be even more free-flowing than my previous, more ‘conventional’ workplaces. Perhaps it’s because the people who work there really crave the human contact they aren’t getting as a result of working remotely or autonomously?

Whatever it is, it’s a winning formula for me and the increasing number of Australian freelancers and entrepreneurs who are signing up for memberships to co-working spaces such as fSpace, Spacecubed and BubDesk. Do such spaces represent a blurring of the boundaries between workplace and ‘third place’?

Colin Henley, Architect based at fSpace

Written By

Sabine Albers